A regular Nutcracker, but soon enough, It was found by Srikandi and Damar. They like Ia's behaviour of talking it out first before attacking, but due to looking too similar to other nutcrackers, The two decided to redesign it (even to the point of recoloring it) for the sake of being able to tell apart between Pekan and other nutcrackers

Pretty much functions like every other nutcracker, but if you decided to ask to talk with Ia, it will lower its gun and wait for you to start the conversation

Ia is well aware that employees have been chatting with it as an advantage to cut some slack and prevent from getting shot, but Ia doesn't really mind. or care.

Pretty much friends with Srikandi and Damar

Intruders found
SRIKANDI (Good friends)
"She's quite determined to fend off any single intruder, which is quite unsettling, in a sense."
"Also, it was the one who helped redecorated me. Said it was so that they can tell apart between me and other nutcrackers."

DAMAR (Good friends)
"He is like..the polar opposite of Srikandi when it comes to personalities. I don't know.. it's just that . he's much nicer? ..Too nice actually. It wouldn't kill intruders unless THEY are the ones who attacked it first."
"Eh, I don't care too much. But he certainly doesn't talk to intruders. it just simply waves at them."

Inane schemes at work
R1S1_K0 (Acquaintance , tension)
"I don't understand. You're not even bothered to talk to me OR try to kill me. It's like I'm not there to you. Or you're purposely ignoring me."
"So, I found out from dia's crewmates that they're just like that. Something about being TOO fixated in finding scraps to the point where dia just. ignores any threats or risk. ..Not gonna lie, that's one hell of a dedication to put, especially a job that dangerous."

PENCABAR (Acquaintance, good terms)
"It tried to kill me the first time, but something about me piqued his interest, I suppose? He ramble alot about the monsters in the facility, so I suppose it must have known about nutcrackers already, and was somewhat confused and interested when he found me."

"I was introduced to her by Pencabar. It talked about how I reminded it of Cog? Very interesting indeed. I met him eventually and was. interested by the way they dress. Guess we are similar, with the accessories and all."
"He's really cool, too. She doesn't usually enter the facility though, but I occasionally hear cog talking through Pencabar's walkie-talkie. I wonder why.."