A human working for the company due to loans and debts.
Borrows Risiko's shovel a bit TOO MUCH..give dia their shovel back it ain't yours !!
follows Risiko around when its bored, or doesn't have a monster to beat up as he barely collects scraps (bruh)
Usually the first one to die as Risiko leaves him to do its thing once dia got enough scraps as they don't want to deal with managing its safety (loser /aff)
R1S1_K0 (Crew member, Friends)
"I still remember the day we first met. They were surprisingly really good at collecting scraps. However, dia doesn't use their shovel I borrowed it all the time. ..What? Someone just HAD to put that shovel to good use!”
"Dia has a habit of leaving immediately after they gathered up enough scraps. It surprises me sometimes. One second I see them still behind me, but as soon as dia found the last scrap they needed, dia immediately bailed and left. I wish they at least tell me that they're leaving. Guess that's why they go alone every round, while everyone else groups up."
PEMANTAU/CLOCKWORKS (Occasional crew member, Good friends)
"At first I was confused on why cog walks SO SLOW. Well, learnt that the hard way, while we were walking back to the ship, I pulled them to run quickly to the ship. That's when I realised he makes these.. clanking metal and gears noises..which didn't end so well, because it caught the Eyeless Dog's attention."
"That aside, he's good at monitoring us around the facility while she's in the ship. Cog's also really fast at typing on the terminal flawlessly. That's impressive!"